In a stunning development, a new teacher group, Educators4Whatever, formed today. We met the two teachers who run E4W, as they will be called. They are Becky Forthwith and Harold Withforth, and they have new proposals for the United Federation of Teachers.
"More work for less pay," said Harold. "That's the only way we will achieve Whatever we're looking for."
E4W was given a multi-million dollar grant by the Gates Foundation, but both Harold and Becky state that this will have no bearing whatsoever on their activism.
"We already supported more work for less pay," stated Becky.
"Whatever," replied Harold.
"This will not change our lives at all," said Becky.
"No, it won't," said Harold.
"Except we're quitting our teaching jobs," Becky pointed out.
"Well, if we have to show up and teach every day, we won't have time for Whatever. And Bill Gates strongly supports Whatever."
GothamCharterSchools is pleased to report that Educators4Whatever has a new petition supporting more work for less pay, and they say this is what teachers today want. In fact, this petition has an overwhelming 100 signatures, so we're fairly certain they are serious about this.
Educators4Whatever will be holding a big initiation party at the GothamCharterSchools office at 7 PM this evening, and will be offering free drinks to anyone who pledges to support Whatever. It is sure to be the party of the century. Teachers who are tired of actually working may ingratiate themselves to Becky and Harold, and if they're lucky they can also get jobs doing Whatever.
Be there or be square.
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